Sunday, September 19, 2010

just one of them days...

So the saying goes... it's just one of them days.

I think there should be a button to turn off brain activity. Or at least the thought process part of it. Some days its just better to wander through your day aimlessly without a care in the world. I wish today I had that option. Today would be a good day to have an off button. Its worse for the people who are over analytical or take everything too personal.

That would be me.

Some of the woes of our life are our own fault. If you just took it at face value and left it alone... then it would be so much easier. If you just didn't want "to get to the bottom of it." I need to learn to leave things alone...

My goal is to have an automatic robot switch... I'm going to work on being able to turn that switch on at will and keep it on.

Being a robot isn't so bad, right? I don't want to be it permanently, just when needed... just when I need that extra push to make it.

Somethings are hard to deal with on your own. If I had the robot switch... it would save going out and buying a robot.

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