Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today, I just feel like putting words on paper. I should be doing school work, but since I don't have anything immediately due, I'm not rushing to get anything done. Sure, a few weeks from now I'll be scrambling. But doing everything early is way too easy. This has been a good week. I signed up to take the LSAT a few days ago. Even though I have no idea on how well I'll do, it still felt good to say I signed up for the test. I'm taking steps to better my future. I'm doing something that I want to do. Its thrilling. And even if I don't get into law school, I know I tried... and I won't give up. I'm so fortunate to be where I am today. I was looking on face book at people that I went to school with back in elementary school... well tried to find people I remembered. Elementary school was rough for me, at least towards the end. I know people probably thought that I would amount to nothing, but I see where I am today, and I just want to rub all their faces in it. Haha! I know that's bad of me, but I want people to know that I didn't give up. That I overcame everything and am in a place in my life that's pretty awesome, for the most part. The teachers who thought I would probably never get it, I want them to know that I get, and so much more now. I know, though, that if it weren't for God, I would not be here. To Him I owe it all and I wish I did more to live for Him. But I also owe some to myself. And though I'm not there yet, the path I'm on, though its hard, is looking dang good!

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