Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You should be worried about the future and your children

As I sit in a coffee shop, I can't help but overhear the conversation of the table next to me. Its really their fault, since they have no sense of voice control and certainly no respect for those around them. With complete disregard for the respect of others, it is quite embarrassing to overhear some of the idiotic things they are saying. I understand that every generation goes through a "thing"... Were we this bad? Did we have such a complete disregard for those around us that we never bridled our tongue. I understand the need to talk to your buds, trust me, but a conversation such as theirs between 5 people in a public coffee shop should not take place... They go through the extremes... some not so bad and some others but I really wish they would keep it down.... Maybe I'm just irritable from a long day of finals... no, these people are just ignorant and stupid.

Another observation is that the males in this generation are going to have neck problems one day from slinging their next to the side to get their bangs our of their eyes. Their going to be walking around with their heads stuck to the side when their 60 due to slinging their stupid hair.

Anyway, it felt good to vent about stupid teenagers and young adults. They give us and the good ones a bad name...... don't hold the youth of today to their standards...

Thank you very much.