Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fresh start

Getting settled into our new house has been fun and interesting. Its hard to make a house a home when your working and going to school, but I think it is coming along. Yesterday, I made coffee with my new coffee pot. Lets just say it was drinkable, but not enjoyable. Today, I gave it another shot and it was pretty good. I used our new toaster to toast delicious ego waffles last night for dinner...even with a few burnt spots, it was good. I think our first meal will be spaghetti. Nothing special just plain spaghetti...

It was exciting today to walk outside and look at our yard and think about all we want to do to it. Hopefully after school, I will be able to tackle the task of making a flowerbed. There is so much I want to do but I know a lot of it has to wait. Everyone tells me it takes time to get things done. Even something like unpacking. I am exciting about the day where I know where stuff is.

The biggest challenge will be getting Noah use to his new house. I want him to be comfortable. The first night wasn't too bad, but he woke up scared and confused... he slept the rest of the night with momma and daddy and woke up in a great mood. "Wake up Momma. Wake up Momma!" Then singing his random words. After time, I think we will all get settled and comfortable. In time...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Food for thought...

Today is a typical Monday. Getting up with Noah and doing all my mommy stuff. Squeezing in a little school work here and there. Then off to work. Probably will do a little more school work after work tonight.

I always wonder what I would do if I had a week of nothing. No obligations... just nothing. Even my vacations in the past have been jam packed with activities, but most people's vacations are that way. So a week of nothing... would probably bore me to death. One of my fears after I finish school is boredom. Or not being busy. I'm sure a lot of people fear being able to find a job after they graduate, well, I just wanna find stuff to do. I don't want the same routine day after day that places me with too much time on my hands. I'm sure if my mother reads this she is probably saying amen and laughing. Since high school (probably longer) she said I always had to be on the go, well she's absolutely right... don't rub it in mom.

I would love to go to the beach and do absolutely nothing...for awhile. I'm sure I would end up playing with kids on the beach or buying a metal detector and use it (do people really do that on beaches?)

I would like a little break from my crazy schedule I have now, but I would end up missing it in the end. Or I would replace it with another busy schedule...

Peace out!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

it will pay off

I know all this time away from my family will pay off in the end. The hours of racking my brain for papers and exams will pay off the day I walk across that stage and get that diploma. One day when I working a job I love and worked hard to be able to get, it will pay off. When I'm able to provide for my family, it will pay off.

Thank you to my husband for allowing me to follow my dreams and supporting them. Thank you for loving me when I know at times I made it difficult.

Thanks to my mom for believing in me and not allowing me to pull myself down.

Thank you Noah. Your my inspiration, my muse, and the coolest kid ever!

God, to You I owe everything.

To myself, keep it up.

Peace out!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

There is no room for bitterness...

Bitterness... even when you're not associating it with a feeling, its not a good thing. Not many people like the taste of bitter things... why? Because it's peculiarly acrid and disagreeable...never a good thing.

It's just as bad if you're feeling bitter. Resentment,acrimony, sullenness, anger, and hostility....
Yet it seems we are a society full of it. Bitter towards so many different aspects of life. Bitter when things don't go our way. Bitter when someone does us wrong. Bitter about life in general.

If you're human, you feel this. I don't think there is anything wrong with feeling bitter, at times. Its when you dwell in it. It's when you let bitterness rule your life. This is how it is for too many. You can't live life to the fullest if you face every challenge and obstacle with resentment. You can't learn to appreciate people if you treat everyone with hostility.

Feel it and move on... The trees will look greener and the air will smell all the more sweeter.

Today, I was feeling bitter, and I realized that it was a feeling I was becoming too familiar with in certain aspects of my life. So here it is... I'm brushing off my shoulders and ridding myself of that negitive energy.

I feel the bitterness, recognize it for what it is, and I move on.

Live life to the fullest...that way there will be no room for bitterness.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A new experience: don't you dare say I told you so...

It appears technology is getting the best of me. I told family many months ago that I would never get a facebook account. Well, that was short lived. I have enjoyed having a facebook account and staying connected and reconnecting with family and friends. It has been good for me.

Blogging, on the other hand, was something I hadn't given much thought to. I had seen a few friends and family who blogged, and I knew in the world of cyberspace there were millions of bloggers, but it wasn't something I had considered for myself. I consider myself a very outspoken individual when pertaining to matter of importance (and some not so), and if you ask my opinion, be prepared to receive it. I write papers for school all the time for a grade. I've attempted to keep a journal of my thoughts but never stuck too it for long periods of time. I've written short stories and even poems. A lot of what I've written over the years, whether for pleasure or for assignments, have been read. So it's not the fear of people reading what I have to say that prevented me from doing something I would enjoy.

It was myself... that is one of the worse revelations a person can have. When you realize that you are holding yourself back. Sure with blogging it isn't a big deal, but what about other matters? School, family, and life in general. I don't want to prevent myself from doing things I would enjoy, no matter how big or small the feat is...

So off my tangent. I'm going to give this blogging a shot. I forgot how liberating it is to write what is on your mind or how you feel. I cannot promise for the probably few who may read this that it will be masterful or awe inspiring. There will be grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that I miss. I will probably switch from past tensed to present tense without notice. Hopefully there will always be subject verb agreement so I don't put all my previous English teachers to shame.

More importantly I hope the content will be decent. And if not, I probably still enjoyed writing it. Be prepared for me getting on a soap box when something bothers me or just random thoughts. Hopefully I won't offend anyone, unless you needed to be offended...

Thanks to my cousin for inspiring me to do this, even though you didn't know you did...

Until I find more time...