Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You should be worried about the future and your children

As I sit in a coffee shop, I can't help but overhear the conversation of the table next to me. Its really their fault, since they have no sense of voice control and certainly no respect for those around them. With complete disregard for the respect of others, it is quite embarrassing to overhear some of the idiotic things they are saying. I understand that every generation goes through a "thing"... Were we this bad? Did we have such a complete disregard for those around us that we never bridled our tongue. I understand the need to talk to your buds, trust me, but a conversation such as theirs between 5 people in a public coffee shop should not take place... They go through the extremes... some not so bad and some others but I really wish they would keep it down.... Maybe I'm just irritable from a long day of finals... no, these people are just ignorant and stupid.

Another observation is that the males in this generation are going to have neck problems one day from slinging their next to the side to get their bangs our of their eyes. Their going to be walking around with their heads stuck to the side when their 60 due to slinging their stupid hair.

Anyway, it felt good to vent about stupid teenagers and young adults. They give us and the good ones a bad name...... don't hold the youth of today to their standards...

Thank you very much.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feeling that stress...

The next few weeks will test my strength, endurance, patience, and my sanity. Taking 18 hours of school is tough enough but when you throw into the mix a family, job, and other responsibilities like a house and sick dog, life can become overwhelming. I know the amount of support I have from family helps a lot, but sometimes I wonder how it is able to all get done. There are times when I feel on top of the world and then there are times where I feel smothered by it. I have a an idea of owning and island one day and living on it and doing absolutely nothing. I'll limit those who visit and how long they stay. I just want to sit on a hammock on the beach and do absolutely nothing. But i know my personality. I need to be constantly going. I love to stay busy, but I also enjoy that time to myself that comes too seldom at times. I think my island dream is just a defense mechanism with coping with all of the stressors in life. I do enjoy my life and I'm so grateful for all the opportunities I am given, but sometimes its hard handling all of it. Some days I don't even know where to start. Whether its my day or a specific project. And I enjoy the days where there are no obligations I have to do, but I can decide to just go do something. Whether its a drive around the airport with Noah or taking him to his first movie. Or just sitting on the couch doing nothing.

I know what it all is. Its called role overload. I have so many different roles to uphold that it is hard to manage all of them. They overlap too much sometimes which causes an area to suffer. I hate that because that's where the guilt comes in. Even now I'm taking the time to blog instead of finishing up group projects that are due the upcoming week. I struggle with perfection. Not being perfect of course, but trying to be. Its hard to be mediocre. Haha. But I'm learning to adjust. Every situation brings a new type of adjustment, a new experience to learn from. That's all I can hope for is to just sit back and learn sometimes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today, I just feel like putting words on paper. I should be doing school work, but since I don't have anything immediately due, I'm not rushing to get anything done. Sure, a few weeks from now I'll be scrambling. But doing everything early is way too easy. This has been a good week. I signed up to take the LSAT a few days ago. Even though I have no idea on how well I'll do, it still felt good to say I signed up for the test. I'm taking steps to better my future. I'm doing something that I want to do. Its thrilling. And even if I don't get into law school, I know I tried... and I won't give up. I'm so fortunate to be where I am today. I was looking on face book at people that I went to school with back in elementary school... well tried to find people I remembered. Elementary school was rough for me, at least towards the end. I know people probably thought that I would amount to nothing, but I see where I am today, and I just want to rub all their faces in it. Haha! I know that's bad of me, but I want people to know that I didn't give up. That I overcame everything and am in a place in my life that's pretty awesome, for the most part. The teachers who thought I would probably never get it, I want them to know that I get, and so much more now. I know, though, that if it weren't for God, I would not be here. To Him I owe it all and I wish I did more to live for Him. But I also owe some to myself. And though I'm not there yet, the path I'm on, though its hard, is looking dang good!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

just one of them days...

So the saying goes... it's just one of them days.

I think there should be a button to turn off brain activity. Or at least the thought process part of it. Some days its just better to wander through your day aimlessly without a care in the world. I wish today I had that option. Today would be a good day to have an off button. Its worse for the people who are over analytical or take everything too personal.

That would be me.

Some of the woes of our life are our own fault. If you just took it at face value and left it alone... then it would be so much easier. If you just didn't want "to get to the bottom of it." I need to learn to leave things alone...

My goal is to have an automatic robot switch... I'm going to work on being able to turn that switch on at will and keep it on.

Being a robot isn't so bad, right? I don't want to be it permanently, just when needed... just when I need that extra push to make it.

Somethings are hard to deal with on your own. If I had the robot switch... it would save going out and buying a robot.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A new year...or close enough.

Last week I started a new school year at Ole Miss... sadly, it is also my last as I'm finishing up on my B.S.W. (Well last for this degree). As I'm scrambling around the first week, attempting to get my feet on the ground, it hit me how real this is. We dream of when we go to college (well, a lot do). We dream of having a career. But when your looking your future right in the eyes... your chest feels a little tighter. How did I get here? When did this happen? It was just yesterday I was running from my brothers in the yard... now I'm nearing having a degree and nearing having to make a decision on my future. But it isn't just my future. Its the future of my family, my husband and son. We say there isn't a rush to these things, but who are we kidding? I have till December (a lot less time than I thought) to start the application process (and all the tests I take) to get into law school. Wait! I'm not even finished on my bachelors yet... Can't I focus on that first and then move onto the next step? Nope, many times the journey's overlap. This is the part that makes my chest constrict. Makes my breathing labored. Can I do this? Where is my confidence? Why am I second guessing my abilities? Is this what I want to do? But, its the things that are most unfamiliar to us that scare us the most. So I'll let my persistence and stubbornness lead me through the times where my confidence is waining... where the fear and uncertainty of my future threatens to overtake me. And at the end of the day, no matter what happens, I'll know that everything is going to workout... some way or another.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

revelations and all that jazz...

I think it would be a good thing if everyone stopped trying to figure out who they were and just enjoy life. I'm not saying live your life by the seat of your pants, but it seems we get so caught up in defining who were are as people, that we lose ourselves in the process. I would like to be able to live my life happily while accepting me for who I am, flaws and all. I want to stop trying to figure out what I'm about or what my purpose in life is, and just live my life to the fullest and focus on the now. If I discover something about myself in the process, then great, but I want to try and stop dwelling on every little thing in my life.

We all make mistakes. Whats the point in focusing all our energy in to why we made the mistakes we did. Its good to learn from your mistakes, but don't get so caught up in why you made them. You might just find yourself making another mistake in the process.

Live a satisfying life. Be content in what you have and don't focus all your attention on what you don't have in life. One day, you will realize all the time you wasted and it will be too late to go back. Try to remember that the small things in life are what are important. The hand print paint pictures your child brings home from school for you to proudly put on your refrigerator or an unexpected bouquet of flowers from your husband.

Invest yourself into meaningful things. Don't focus on just your self satisfaction. Help other, love others. You may learn that when you give of yourself, you feel a satisfaction that is like no other.

Peace and Love,
Jeorgia T.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Don't read if you're closed minded. A call to rise above!

Its a very daunting thing to sit back and watch the way people act. I have always considered myself a people watcher (like so many others). Normally, it has been something I've enjoyed, but in all honesty it is something that is embarrassing and sad as well. Its like getting kicked in the butt from behind. You just don't see it coming.

I've seen the way many people today talk to their fellow beings. Actually, I've experienced this first hand. Having a job where I am in constant contact with people allows you to see the real face of people we brush shoulders with and of those we don't. I consider myself a people person by nature, but recently I've noticed myself getting frustrated much more in my dealings with people. Even in difficult confrontations with people in my job, I've been able to handle things professionally and without getting upset.

But lately, I've notice an increase in utter disrespect for people. An attitude of superiority. A general dislike for people. I have had people talk to me as if I were below them and stupid. I've felt the need to justify and explain myself to strangers who assume that I'm unintelligent or unsuccessful for the job I have. Well first, I happen to like my job. Second, its a dern good job, and yes, I said dern. I've felt the need to look them in the eye and tell them how hard I work for my family, and how I bust my butt in college to get a degree. How one day, when I'm a lawyer, we will see what they have to say. I've wanted to defend other employees because we have so many people working multiple jobs to provide for their family. Sorry, not everyone gets things handed to them. I've even had to stop myself, and think when I'm acting in a way that is inappropriate. Even I have to assess where my train of thought is taking me, and listen to my convictions.

I've sat in places and watched how disrespectful people speak to servers or people in service industry jobs (like a nail salon). Why is it so difficult for people to respect each other for the mere fact that we are humans? I've seen the way the younger generations act and speak now. I fear for my own child being brought up in world where hatred and animosity seems to fuel everything.




Think before you act! Its one thing to act obnoxious and be treated stupid, because you are, in fact, acting in a stupid way. You don't have to have an IQ of 170 to do the right thing and act in a proper manner.

Just remember that what you do now, does affect your future. Please also understand that what you do, also affects other people. The world does not revolve around you. The world does not revolve around America. Yeah, I said it.

We owe it to each other to love one another and learn from each other. So rise above. Rise above your circumstances. Rise above whatever class society places you.

There will come a time when we all answer to the same God.

Peace and Love,